Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tomorrow will be...Day 1 Take 2

Failed miserably today, so not happy about it.  You'd think it would be fairly easy to make it through the day without yelling when he is in school 8 hours a day but then he gets home and its time for, Dun Dun Dun, The Dreaded Homework!  There is nothing i dislike more than helping the Moose with his homework.  It is always so frustrating and serves as a very strong reminder of why I made the decision not to homeschool.  Getting him to sit down and do his homework isnt a problem, he actually likes the Idea of doing his homework.  The problem is getting him to focus and do things correctly like writing his letters correctly.  I know he knows how to do them correctly, i swear he just messes them up to push Mommy's buttons.  Today was no exception.  We got through the sight words ok but then it was time for writing his sentences.  He refused to concentrate and kept playing around and having to erase constantly instead of doing it correctly the first time like I know he can.  So naturally it got to the point where i couldnt take it anymore and yup, you guessed it, I yelled at him.  Moose! Do it correctly or you will be sitting at this table for the rest of the night!  Argh!! I'm so frustrated with myself right now.  I felt bad after doing it and it always sets off his sensory issues so then he is upset as well and now we are both dealing with widely swinging emotions.  We will try again tomorrow, which thankfully is a Friday so no homework but it's also the start of the weekend and Daddy will be out of town for the weekend so there will be no escaping him if I feel like I'm going to explode.  Hopefully this time we will make it more than just a day or 2                         :-(

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