Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 1, Take 1

 So I have decided that I am tired of yelling at Brody aka The Moose all the time.  I love him to death but I swear I am always yelling.  In general I am a yeller to begin with, add in a short fuse and it takes absolutely nothing to set me off.  But I'm tired of it and that's really not the kind of Mom that I want to be.  So, taking cues from http://theorangerhino.com/   I am going to attempt to go 365 days without yelling at my child.  Will it happen?  I don't know but I'm going to try and I figure if i write about it every day it might help keep me on track.  So please feel free to follow along and if you see me trying to yell say Orange Rhino really loud and that will be a sign to me that I'm getting about of control.  I'm going to be teaching Brody about the Orange Rhino, although in our case that may switch to Ruby Rhino since that is the name of one of Brody's favorite games, so if you hear him say, Mommy you are an Orange/Ruby Rhino thats why.

Wish me luck and here we go!

Mommy and the Moose Feb. 19, 2013

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